Helouuu guyyyys!

So today I’m going to share with you my makeup essentials for summer. Summer is so close and I’m very excited cause we get some holidays! So yeah I’m just going to show you the things and tell me in the comments if you have any of this things .


So the first one is this concealer the maybelline anti-age one . I told you about this concealer in the last post I think so if you want to know more about this concealer ( apart of that it is AMAZING) just click in the link below.


The watt’s up highlighter or any highlighter in a cream format . I think this is pretty good for summer because of the format . The cream doesn’t melt because of the hot weather so the highlight stays in your face for the rest of the day . Is like a champagne color and it’s very pretty cause you can make it look natural or defined .


The benefit tints or any tips of tints are so good for the summer cause they are very comfortable. This basically tints your cheek and it stays there all day. You don’t notice it and it looks very natural so I recommend this to every one and I have been with the Benetint bottle since last summer and It lasts.


I Love this ! This is a maybelline brow gel it’s so cheap and it’s amazing and what else can I tell you? That it does the job of keeping your eyebrows in their place all day and anyone can afford this cause I think this was like 5$.


I have talk about this mascara in a lot of posts and I love it because it looks like they are your real lashes but you are wearing mascara so that’s why I love it.


Resume: my lips are so dry.

Conclusion: this is the solution .


I love this palette for summer because of the colors and I have a review in my blog :Review


I use this for everything.


So yeah guys this was the post I hope you enjoyed it and I worked so hard for it so yeah. Tell me in the comments you essentials for this summer and I see you in my next post byeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Many kissehhhhhhhhhssssss

Laradesconecta xx🎀


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